Purpose-made individual clinker bricks
You have already been able to become acquainted with the range of products shown on our web sites. Have you not found the ideal clinker for your facade? Would you like to have a special and unique product? Janinhoff Klinkermanufaktur designs and produces customised clinker bricks according to your wishes and architectural requirements. Clinkers are as unique as your building! Please contact us for details and individual offers.
Clinker exhibition and individual service
To really see and appreciate the effect of a clinker façade, it must be in daylight. Take a look at sample clinkers bricked in masonry, different colours, sizes and materials. Our opening hours are Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.. Please make an appointment.
Delivery and logistics
We are in a position to offer shortest possible delivery even during periods of high demand due to our production in a brick kiln which is one of the most modern in Europe. Delivery times are guaranteed by contract. Most clinkers are stocked and therefore can be delivered directly to your construction site.
Comprehensive, standardized visual controls at our production, packing and logistics site as well as an external quality assessment guarantee a minimum brick rejection rate caused by chipping or breaking. This guarantees a fast and economic construction process and a perfect building facade.
Clinker remnant stocks - pick up and sale
Remnant stocks are sold at special prices at our production site in Münster-Hiltrup, Germany. Please contact us for current offers and specials.