Clinkers fired in the circular kiln
It is the pride of the Westphalian family-run business: one of the last circular brick kilns in Germany that is still in operation. In collaboration with Janinhoff Klinkermanufaktur, traditional manufacturing techniques are employed to produce hand-blended clinkers. Clinkers fired in the circular kiln are marked by their authenticity, durability and permanence. Their distinctive character and their natural variety in colour shades and shapes give each facade a truly unique character. Modern, extravagant new buildings as well as traditional, listed ones are being decorated with the unique bricks fired in a circular kiln. Their appearance is distinctive, their quality and design up to contemporary standards. The quality of these bricks is controlled at every stage of the production process. They are available as hand-formed, water-struck, smooth, flamed and manganese-flamed. Learn more about the manufacturing of clinkers in the circular kiln and the range of Janinhoff circular kiln clinkers.